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Product category account mapping explanation

1. In the account configuration settings, you will find a section called "Product Categories." Click on it to proceed.

2. Here, you will see a list of product categories that are already created. If you need to create a new category, you can click on the "New" button.

3. For each product category, you will find several fields related to the account mapping. The important fields to     consider are:

1. Income Account: This account is used to record sales and revenue generated from products belonging to this category. Select the appropriate income account from the drop-down menu or create a new one if needed.
2. Expense Account: This account is used to record expenses associated with products in this category, such as cost of goods sold. Choose the appropriate expense account from the drop-down menu or create a new one if necessary.
3. Stock Input Account: This account is used for recording the value of incoming stock or inventory for products in this category. Select the appropriate stock input account from the drop-down menu or create a new one if required.
4. Stock Output Account: This account is used for recording the value of outgoing stock or inventory for products in this category. Choose the appropriate stock output account from the drop-down menu or create a new one if needed.
5. Stock Valuation Account: This account is used to track the value of inventory or stock for products in this category. Select the appropriate stock valuation account from the drop-down menu or create a new one if necessary.

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