Accounting Dashboard
General Accounting Set up
Analytic Accounts
Chart of Accounts
Day to Day Transactions
Banks & Bank Reconciliations
Fixed Assets
Year/Month End
Purchase Order approval
POS Reconciliations
Non stock purchasing
Expense Module
Shopify Sales
Invoice Reminders
Customer Statements
Supplier Batch Payment
Product Categories
Inventory Valuation Journals
Analytic Accounts
How to Create, Reverse, Cancel & Delete a Journal Entry
An accounting journal is a record of transaction exchanges requested by date, these transactions are recorded in the name of journal entries. Each journal entry shows account names and their credits and debit values. In Odoo we can create different types of journals.
How to Create a Journal Entry
Let's see how you can create a Journal Entry in Odoo.
1. Go to Accounting Module > Select Accounting Tab > Journal Entries.
2. Click on Create.
3. Fill in the relevant fields.
Reference - Give a Reference to the Journal
Original Invoice Date - Date as of the invoice
Accounting Date - Date for the Journal ( The journal will be posted to your accounts on this day )
Journal Type - Select Miscellaneous Operations