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How to Reconcile POS orders Vs POS payments

The purpose of this reconciliation is to make sure that all the orders and their corresponding payments are getting applied properly into the system.

To know the payments for each orders and proceed to the reconciliation, 

1. Simply go to POS Module > Orders > Orders.

2. Then Filter/ search for the order you need to reconcile and custom filter according to the date. Usually, we would be needing a certain date for the orders we would like to reconcile. So in the search box, you make search for the store name as well as the date under the filter as shown in the GIF below.

3. Once it is filtered, select all the orders and click on action and export. Make sure that the following fields are available in the export file:

  • Session
  • Total
  • Payments/Session
  • Payments/Amount
  • Payments/Payment Method

4. You may also save the template so you can use the same template from time to time which is shown in this GIF below. Once done, you can then click on EXPORT.

5. Now open the exported file and reconcile the order and payment amounts. You can see the Total in column I and the Payment Amount in column J as shown in the image below. These information should be expected to be reconciled. We also have the Payment Method field added which will be an additional information for you once you are doing the reconciliation.

This process is comprehensively discussed in this video.

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