Accounting Dashboard
General Accounting Set up
Analytic Accounts
Chart of Accounts
Day to Day Transactions
Banks & Bank Reconciliations
Fixed Assets
Year/Month End
Purchase Order approval
POS Reconciliations
Non stock purchasing
Expense Module
Shopify Sales
Invoice Reminders
Customer Statements
Supplier Batch Payment
Product Categories
Inventory Valuation Journals
Analytic Accounts
How to Update & Organize the document uploaded (Split Multiple Bills Document)
Split multiple bills from a single document
You can create multiple Vendor Bills for a single PO in Odoo by creating a blank Vendor Bill and selecting the PO. This will add all the lines Odoo THINKS you have to pay based on what has been received in ALL inbound deliveries. Delete lines not on the first Bill (or change quantity down) and Odoo will keep track and next time you add that PO to a Vendor Bill it will only show you what is left to pay . You can also split multi-pages PDFs into several documents in Odoo’s Documents App; this feature is very useful when you scan documents in batches
1. Navigate to the Odoo homepage and log in to your account.
Click on the "Documents" located in the main menu. This will open the Documents dashboard.