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Odoo-Shopify connector overview​

Odoo-Shopify Connector Overview​

Odoo Shopify Connector Dashboard

The first tab in the Shopify Odoo Connector displays the steps of creating an Instance and a  customizable infographic overview list of all your Odoo sites' current Instances. Utilizing this page you can manually access, run and process the cron for that Instance as well as view and customize the Instance Infographic to display certain key data sets concerning Products, Sales Orders, Invoices or Deliveries for that Instance. 

Odoo Shopify Connector Dashboard Image: 

Odoo Shopify Connector Sales 

The second tab in the Shopify Odoo Connector displays lists of Shopify Data that flow in from the crons. These are categorized into individual tabs being, Customer, Quotations, Risky Quotation, Sales Order, Invoices, Refunds, Payout Reports and Delivery Order. To reiterate each section houses the culmination of that Data type that the crons bring in. 

Customers: Record of all customers the crons bring in through the sales order's flowing into the system. Utilizing the Import Customers cron, this is where those customers will appear.

Odoo Shopify Connector Sales Customers Image:

Quotations: Record of all cancelled orders and quotations, bought in through the cron from Shopify to Odoo.

Odoo Shopify Connector Sales Quotations Image: 

Risky Quotations: A record of all Risky Orders and Quotations in Shopify currently. Risky Orders come in as Quotations and are not Sales Orders so they must be confirmed manually to be sent to the 3PL. Please note this will be the page to view and manage Risky Orders once Shopify alerts to a Risky Orders. 

Sales Order: List of all Shopify orders brought in through the crons configuration in Odoo.

Odoo Shopify Connector Sales Sales Orders Image: 

Invoices: List of all Shopify order invoices created through the crons configuration in Odoo.

Odoo Shopify Connector Sales Invoices Image:

Refunds: List of all Shopify refunds cancelled through cancelling Orders in Odoo. 

Note: Not applicable by request.

Odoo Shopify Connector Sales Refunds Image: 

Payout Reports:  List of all Shopify payout reports brought by cron.

Delivery Orders: List of all Shopify Delivery Orders for sales order's brought in through the cron.

Odoo Shopify Connector Sales Delivery Orders Image: 

Odoo Shopify Connector Products 

The third tab in the Shopify Odoo Connector displays lists of all Products and Variants that have/have not been exported through to Shopify from Odoo.

Products: The Products tab is formally known as the Shopify Layer. Utilizing the Shopify Layer you may view which products, variants and additional information have or have not been exported through to Shopify. 

Odoo Shopify Connector Products Shopify Layer Image: 

Variants:  The Variants tab details the same information listed above but you may not functionally export the information presented here to Shopify, you may only do that through the Shopify Layer. 

Odoo Shopify Connector Products Variants Image:


Odoo Shopify Connector Processes

The fourth tab in the Shopify Connector displays the methodology to view, run and manage manually the crons in Odoo. 

Shopify Operations: Opens the cron menu screen to where you may select which Cron and Operation you wish to manually run. Please be aware different operations will have different warnings, information and date settings you to set and specify what, which, and when, you're pulling data into Odoo. If you do not know how to use the crons, don't use them without setting a meeting or asking one of the WAO team members on how to use them.

Odoo Shopify Connector Processes Shopify Operations Image:

Note: Ensure to read Notes and Sync Options as they are Operations specific and has automatic cron set up for them.

Unshipped Orders: Details a list of the Unshipped Order Queues the order process cron has, is and will be processing through. Within this list, you can open an order queue and process it manually to expedite the automatic process if the need ever arose. 

Additionally within the individual order queues, when processing manually, if there is an error the Log Lines tab will detail what the error is to which you may reach out to the WAO team for assistance, however a customization to alert the WAO team has been set in place so any errors both select members of the VEC and WAO team are alerted to resolve this ASAP.

Odoo Shopify Connector Processes Unshipped Orders Image: 

Shipped Orders: Details a list of the Shipped Order Queues the order process cron has is and will be processing through. This will not be a feature that will be utilizing unless pulling through an order that has been fulfilled already in Shopify and was implausibly missed by the automatic Unshipped Order cron.   

Products: Details a list of the Product Data Queues that the Products Data Process cron has is and will be processing through. This is not a feature used at the moment, but if ever you wished to Import Shopify Products to Odoo through the Connector, this is where you would start. 

Customers:  Details a list of the Customer Data Queues that the Customer Data Process cron has, is, and will be processing through. This is not a feature used at the moment, but if ever you wished to Import Shopify Customers to Odoo through the Connector, this is where you would start.  

Log Lines: The Log Lines is a vital list of any, every and all errors currently the cron has, is or did face while running the Import or Order Process crons. This is the Overall List view of all Cron Queues Logs to which the below Log Lines will specifically show the errors encountered by the crons. 

Odoo Shopify Connector Processes Log Lines Image:

Odoo Shopify Connector Reporting

The fifth tab in the Shopify Connector displays Odoo's Reporting Version of Shopify's Sales Analysis. 

Sales: An interactive reporting tab that is able to filter, view and manage your Shopify sales orders and the information surrounding the sales orders. Utilize the Graph, Pivot and Dashboard Views to filter and manage your Shopify Data brought in through the crons. 

Odoo Shopify Connector Reporting Sales Image:

Odoo Shopify Connector Configuration

The sixth and final tab in the Shopify Connector consists of all the background Settings and Configurations that support and determine which goes where, who does what, etc. 


If any of the following Settings you wish to explore, please reach out to the WAO team or higher clearance VEC personnel.

Odoo Product Configuration and Shopify Instances:

Shopify Instances and General Configuration:

Webhook Configuration:

Product Configuration:

Tax Configuration and Notify by Email:

Stock Information and Last Date of Import Process:

Schedule Activity Information and Payout Report Information:

Instances: Within Odoo an Instance is just another name for Shopify Site (AU Instance = AU Shopify Site), and this tab details a list of all instances connected to VEC's Odoo System. Individually when selecting an instance you will be able to view specifically and additionally certain instance settings (API Keys, Passwords, Instance Accounts, Default Products, Meta field Configurations). 

Furthermore, this is also an easier way to view, set and manage the 'front' end Shopify crons and their timings (Instance Specific). 

DISCLAIMER: Do not touch the cron or their timings unless you know with 100% certainty to what you are changing it to and why you would risk VEC losing the capability to process their Shopify Orders. 

Odoo Shopify Connector Configuration Instance:

Sales Auto Workflow: The Sales Auto Workflows tab is the first part of a three-step setting that ensures the Shopify Connector knows which Accounts, Payment Gateway and Financial Statuses it needs to follow for the myriad of sales orders flowing through it into Odoo. The main determination of the Sales Auto Workflow is to determine and confirm certain aspects of the Sales Order (Confirming Quotation to Sales Order, Creating, Validating Invoices) and certain Accounts mapping. 

Odoo Shopify Connector Configuration Sales Auto Workflow:

Payment Gateway: The Payment Gateways tab is the second part of the three-step setting which specifies and assigns what the Payment Gateway Name is and which Instance it will be assigned to. Please ensure the Payment Gateway Codes are spelling/text specific else you will encounter errors as Odoo will not recognize it when importing sales orders with that Payment Gateway from Shopify. 

Odoo Shopify Connector Configuration Payment Gateway:

Shopify Locations: Shopify Locations is an automatically filled out section that grabs the address details from the Instance Settings in Odoo, and is the Shopify Connectors Record of Warehouses and Locations as listed prior.  

Note: Do not change unless you're aware of the consequences.

Odoo Shopify Connector Configuration Shopify Locations:

Financial Status: The Financial Statuses tab is the third and final setting that amalgamates the prior two to form a very important line of instruction for the Shopify crons. For a specific instance defines the combination of Sales Autoworkflows, Payment Gateways and Financial Statuses Details for the Order Process Cron to follow when Processing that Order into Odoo, selecting the appropriate specified Accounts, Order Statuses, Payment Statuses and Payment Gateways.  

Odoo Shopify Connector Configuration Financial Status Image:

You can also watch this video for reference: https://waoconnect.screencasthost.com/watch/c01DhFVBCZX

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