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Creating a New Product

You are now ready to create products!  Follow the steps below to create a new product in Odoo:

1. Go to Inventory > Products > Products

2. Click on New

3. Fill in the details of the product as described below:

General Information Tab

  • Select Can be Sold or Can be Purchased
  • Product Name 
  • Product Type:
    • Consumable - If you choose this product type you wont have stock on hand.
    • Service - This is for service type products e.g. Freight
    • Storable Products - These are the any products which can be stored. Stock on hand can be measured for storable products
  • Internal Notes - Enter any additional description in this field 
  • Sales Price
  • Customer Taxes
  • Cost
  • Unit of Measure -This is the holding/selling unit of measure
  • Purchase Unit of Measure - Choose the unit of measure for the product when purchased.

Note: It is very important to select the correct product category when creating a new product. The product category dictates to what accounts will the transactions be posted to when you have transactions (e.g., sales, purchases, adjustments) for the products in the future.

Attributes & Variants Tab

Please refer to topic creating product attributes and topic creating product variants.

Sales Tab

If you want a detailed description other than the product name to appear on the sales order invoice then you have to fill this sales description field. 

Purchase Tab

  • Fill in Vendor details to record the vendors of the product
  • Vendor Taxes 
  • Control Policy - On ordered quantities or On received quantities
  • Purchase Description - If you need a detailed description than the product name to appear then you need to fill the Purchase Description

Inventory Tab

  • Routes - Specifies how a product enters in to the system. So you can select whether you buy the product , manufacture the product etc.
  • Fill out the Operations, Logistics, and Traceability details
    • No Tracking - The products wont have Lots and Serial Numbers
    • Lots - Track a product by Lots/Batches
    • Unique Serial Number - Track a product by unique serial number
  • Responsible  - The person who is creating the product card will be the responsible person.
  • Weight
  • Volume

4. Click on Save

You can also watch this video for reference: https://waoconnect.screencasthost.com/watch/c0eVD2Vy72S

Bulk Uploading New Products

1. Navigate to All Import > Import Product Variants

2. Click on Download Sample Excel File 

3.  Fill in the Excel sheet and save it

4. Navigate back to All Import app > Import Product Variants > upload file > click on Apply

7. It will give a message if the products successfully get imported like this:

You can also watch this video for reference:

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