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PO & Bill variance Management Explanation in Odoo

In odoo Stock is valued at the PO price, if there is a difference between PO and bill price, the System will generate a Journal entry and adjust the stock value as per the bill price.

Creating PO , Checking Journal entry and Stock Valuation.

1. Go to Purchase Module > Sales Order then click on New.

2. Add the relevant details such as the Vendor Name , product and Unit price then click on  Save  &  Confirm .


3. Click on "Approved Order".


4. Received product and validate".

5. To check Stock Move journal entry copy stock move reference.

  6. Go to Journal Entries and Paste Stock move reference.

  7. To check Stock valuation report as per PO price go to  Inventory  Module > Reporting then click                 on Valuation.



Creating bill with Variance Unit price , Checking Journal entry and Stock Valuation.

1. Click on "Create Bill".


 2. To create the variance change the unit price and confirm.

3.To check the Journal entry under the bill click on Journal items.

4. To check Stock valuation  go to  Inventory  Module > Reporting then click  on Valuation

5. System has crete journal entries of each individual product to adjust value as per Bill price.

5.To check the Adjusting journal entry click on entry


6.To check on Other info

7.To check on Journal Entry 

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