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How to Setup Follow up Levels

Setup Follow- Up Levels

1. Accounting> Configuration> Follow- Up Levels

2.To create a new follow-up level- Click New

3. Fill out the necessary feilds.

  • Description: This will be the name of the follow-up level
  • Remind: Setup when to remind after due date

4. In the notification tab setup the actions; whether the reminder should send via Email, letter or SMS. Then in options, you can check on both automatic and attach invoice. If attach invoice is checked, invoices already sent to the customers will be attached with the ​reminder.

5. Go to the Activity tab

  • Check on Schedule activity.
  • Select the Responsible person.
  • Select the activity type.
  • Give a brief summary about the follow up reminder.   

6. Finally save the follow-up level

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