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How to activate new currencies and check Live rates

Currencies setting in odoo allows the user to set up multiple currencies and to check the current exchange rate of each currencies. Also, separate currencies for individual partners also can be assigned using this setting.

1. Click on the Settings Module 

2. Click on Accounting 

3. Go to the Currencies Settings. 

4. Under Automatic Currency Rates you can go ahead and set the Currency rates

  • Select the service from which you would like to get the rate. 

  • Select the interval of when the currency rates should be changed. 

5. To check the currencies on add, click on currencies.

6. To add more currencies, Enable the active button. 

Once you activate the currency, it will take the rate from the service that was selected. 

7. To view the rate, select the currency. 

8. Under rates, you will see the daily rate changes that have occurred. 

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