Payroll Reports
Payroll Reports
To view the employee reports, go to Dashboard > Reports > Payroll Reports
Costing Reports
The costing reports generate the pay category breakdown for a given period of time. You have the option to choose a variety of dates in the date range fields. Once done, click on Run Report. (Even you can download the report as a CSV, Excel, PDF)
Deductions Report
Deduction reports generate the breakdown of deductions per employee over a given period of time.
Detailed Activity Report
You can view a breakdown of activity per employee over a given period of time by generating the detailed activity report.
Employee Payment History
This report provides the pay run activity for an employee for a specific period of time.
Employer Liabilities Report
This report shows the breakdown of employer liabilities over a period of time.
Expense Reimbursement Report
This report provides the expense details processed over a period of time.
Gross to Net Report
Gross to net report allows you to view the breakdown of the total earnings, deductions, and superannuation for each employee over a period of time.
Leave Balances
To view the current leave balances for employees, you can run the leave balances reports.
Leave Liability
This report provides leave liabilities for each employee.
PAYG Withholding
This report allows you to view the PAYG withheld per month based on a specific date range or pay run.
Payroll Tax Reports
Payroll Tax Report provides a breakdown of earnings and super.
Pay Run Audit Report
Pay run audit report allows you to view full pay run details for a given pay run. You can view the earnings, super payments, bank payments, leave, and deduction details.
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