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Employing Entities Settings

As an organisation, you may utilise multiple employing entities that each have a different IRD Number that need customisation options tailored for each entity. A Payroll platform that offers this level of flexibility will enable you to tailor your organisational setup based on each entity, meaning you can view, report and process payroll actions on a per entity basis.

The Employing Entities feature allows you to add additional employing entities and specify details such as the unique IRD number, contact name, address and signatory name. This also allows your organisation, for example, to have the correct pay slip information and logo displayed for your employee regardless of which entity they work under.

Getting Started

  1. Access Employing Entities by logging into your Payroll Account
  2. Click on Payroll Settings
  3. Navigate to Business Settings
  4. Click on Employing Entities
  5. Click the Manage Employing Entities tab

Add a new Employing Entity 

  1. Click Add or Update the details in the existing Employing Entity.
  2. Complete the following fields
  3. Click Save
  • Name: This is the legal company name (employing entity) that employs the staff.
  • NZBN: The NZBN of the employing entity.
  • IRD Number (NEW FIELD): The IRD number of the employing entity.
  • Payday Filing Final Return: This box should be ticked if this is the final return and the company will not be submitting any further payday filing.
  • Employer deductions payment frequency: This needs to be set according to the frequency you pay your payday filing to IRD.
  • Address: The address of the employing entity. 
  • Contact Name: The contact person of the employing entity.
  • Contact Phone Number: The phone number of the employing entity.
  • Contact Fax Number: This is an optional field.
  • Contact Email Address: The contact person's email address. 
  • Pay Slip Notification from Email Address: If you have an email address that is different to the one listed on the pay slips page that you would like to use as the Sender for pay slip notifications for employees assigned to this entity, you can add that here. If no email is entered here, the system will use the email listed on the pay slips page. 
    Note: Due to the sensitive nature of payroll information that will potentially be sent from these email addresses and the likelihood the emails will be treated as spam, we have placed restrictions on the email domains we will allow and therefore what emails can be entered in this field. More information can be found here
  • External ID: This field is only required if you use an external system to track payroll data and so need it to sync with the payroll system when importing files.
  • Choose a logo: This refers to the pay slip logo. If you want a different logo appearing on the pay slip for this employing entity, upload the logo. If no logo is uploaded here, it will revert to the default pay slip logo uploaded from the Pay Slips settings screen.

Change the logo

  1. Access Employing Entities by logging into your Payroll Account
  2. Click on Payroll Settings
  3. Navigate to Business Settings
  4. Click on Employing Entities
  5. Click the Employing Entity that needs a logo added.
  6. Click the Choose a Logo button and select the required file.
  7. You will now see the uploaded logo on your screen.
  8. You follow these same steps to edit or delete a logo. 

Add a Pay Schedule for a new Employing Entity

To lodge a payday filing and employee details for the new Employing Entity, you need to add a new pay schedule that relates only to that employing entity so that only those entity's employees are paid in that pay run for that entity.

How to set up the pay schedule:

  1. Access Employing Entities by logging into your Payroll Account
  2. Click on Payroll Settings
  3. Navigate to Pay Run Settings
  4. Click on Pay Schedules
  5. Click Add
  6. Complete the following fields: 
  • Name: Name after the employing entity for the pay run to identify it by. 
  • Frequency: Frequency the run occurs
  • Included employees: For this situation, choose Employees with this pay schedule as their default and employed by the following employing entity.

  • Pay Slip message
  • Pay run warnings
  • Pay run finalisation settings
  • IRD Payments
  • Pay Run Automation
  • Pay Run approval

Click Save

Reassigning an Employee to an Employing Entity

You can reassign an employee to an employing entity in two ways:

1. On an individual basis,  or,

2. Where more than one employee needs to be reassigned you can do this in bulk.

In both cases, you will also need to change the Pay schedule to the one pertaining to the employing entity you are changing the employee to.

This is done via the employee's file

How to assign an individual employee to an employing entity:

  1. Open the employee file and click Tax Code Declaration
  2. Click Change Employing Entity. The employing entity will be set to the main business as the default. 
  3. From the New Employing Entity drop down, select the employing entity you wish to assign this employee to.
  4. Choose to make the change effective as of 'today', 'employee's start date', or 'custom date' and then click on the 'Change Employing Entity' button to save. 

  5. Go to the employee file
  6. Click on the Pay Run Defaults page
  7. Change the Pay Schedule to the one you have setup for the employing entity.

How to 'bulk' assign employees to an employing entity: 

  1. Go to Payroll Settings
  2. Navigate to Employing Entities
  3. Click on the Reassign Employing Entities tab
  4. You can select individual employees by typing their names into the Employees field and selecting them from the drop-down list that appears; or
  5. Select to bulk reassign All Employees in the business; or 
  6. Select to bulk reassign All Employees (including terminated employees);
  7. Once you have determined the employees you wish to change choose the new entity the selected employees will be changed to from the New Employing Entity drop-down list. If you only have one other employing entity, this will show as a default option;
  8. Choose to make the change effective from 'today', 'employee's start date', or 'custom date';
  9. Click Change Employing Entities to save. 

  10. Change each employee’s Pay schedule to the correct one for the employing entity.

Payday Filing for an employing entity

Once you have completed your first pay run for an employing entity, you can do your payday filing for it.

  1. Go to Business settings
  2. IRD Settings
  3. Set the Pay Day Filing method to Connect to IRD gateway services

You can connect with the employing entity’s login details through the Payday filing button that appears once the pay run is updated. 

Helpful Hint

When you need to send the employee details to IRD, make sure you select the entity in the ED report so that employees that don’t pertain to that entity aren’t included.

Payday Filing for employing entities

If you want to use Gateway services for your payday filings, you need the following setup. Once you have completed your first pay run for each entity, you can link each entity individually to enable Gateway services and complete your submission based on which entity you have selected. 

  1. Payroll Settings
  2. Employing entities
  3. Add the IRD Number and Employer deductions payment frequency (new field) and the contact details 

  4. Save
  5. Next, update the Pay Schedules.
  6. Access Employing Entities by logging into your Payroll Account
  7. Click on Payroll Settings
  8. Navigate to Pay Run Settings
  9. Click on Pay Schedules
  10. In each Pay Schedule you will need to update the following:
  11. Under Included employees select the dropdown and add Employees with this pay schedule as their default and employed by the following employing entity.  
  12. Once the Included employees field has been selected another field will appear – Employing Entity. 
  13. Select the dropdown and choose the employing entity the pay schedule relates to
  14. This step is very important in order for the payday filing to be successful.
  15. Click Save
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