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How to add Pay Run Inclusion

Pay Run Inclusions comprise of additional pay items (Eg:  additional earnings, deductions, super adjustments etc.) that are set up against an employee and then automatically included in the pay run so that you don't have to add it manually. Helpful to setup repeating additional pay items for an employee.

To add a Payrun Inclusion;

Navigate to Employee > List > Select Employee > Pay Run Settings > PayRun Inclusions > Add.

You can add Additional Earnings, Super Adjustments, Tax Adjustments or Deductions.

  • Additional Earnings - fill out the details to add additional earnings.

    Pay Category - select earnings or allowance (Eg. Laundry Allowances)
    Location -All
    Rates - select earning and the earning per rate.
    Notes - description of the allowance.
    This earnings line should be inclu​ded in -select the relevant option from the dropdown menu. Eg: All Future payruns if you need to add this earnings line to all the future payruns of this employee.
    Maximum Amount - Enter the amount if "All pay runs until the maximum amount has been reached" was selected.

    Once done click Save.

  • Tax Adjustments -  fill out the details to add Tax Adjustments.

    Amount (per pay run) - fixed or percentage
    Notes - will show on each pay run for this inclusion.
    Start and End Date of this Inclusion in a Payrun - Select the date.

    Once done click Save.  

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