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Create a New Pay Run & Finalise the Payrun

Here are the steps on how to a new pay run & finalize it.

1. Create the Payrun

a. Click on the New Pay Run button on the top right-hand side of the dashboard.

 Or Click on the Pay Runs icon on the navigation bar.

or Click on the New Pay Run button on the right-hand side of the pay run page.

 b. Fill in the following fields

  • Pay Schedule: You can select the relevant pay schedules. Eg : ALT Salaries, VEC Wages
  • Pay Period Ending: Select the Pay period end date
  • Date Pay run will be paid:  Enter the paid date applicable to the pay run.
  •  Manually add employees to pay run- You can select this option If you prefer to add employees manually to the pay run. (Suitable for any adjustment pay runs or payruns to pay a single employee or a few employees)
  •  Create pay runs with empty pays:  If you select this option, all employees with this paid schedule as their default pay schedule will appear in the pay run but they will have $0 earnings. (Suitable for any adjustment pay runs)

c. Click on Create, Once done.

d. Check all content details of this Pay run and update if necessary.

  • Check Earnings
  • Check Employees
  • Applied Leave - If you have approved leave in the system, you need to apply leaves to the pay run. To apply leave to a pay run, go to the Leave Request tab in the pay run and click Bulk Apply > Apply Leave.

  •  If you want to adjust the pay of an employee, unfold the employee payrun details, click Actions. You will see different actions and you can select the relevant action to adjust the pay.

            (Eg : Add earnings, Add lump sum payment, Adjust leave, Excledu employee from the pay etc.)

2. Finalise the Pay Run

a. If all the above are correct, Click Finalize Pay Run

Finalizing the pay run will lock all the data at that point in time. This will then make the data available in reports.

 A pop-up window will appear

  •  Date Paid  - Payment date
  •  Publish pay slips
  •  Mark the Do not send notifications radio button if you do not want to send the notifications.
  • You have the option to select the date you want to publish the pay slips.

  • Report Packs. You have the below options. You can select "Do not run Report packs"

  •  Tick the box, If you want to apply these changes to future PayRuns.  

    b. Finally, click the Finalise button.

3. Download the Payment File

Navigate to Payment File and select the payment file you need to download

4. Publish Pay Slips

You will see the “Publish Pay Slips” button in the pay run actions bar as soon as you finalise the payrun.  Click Publish Pay Slips > select whether you want to send notifications to employees or not Click Send

Once you publish the payslips,  your employees will be able to access the payslip through their individual portals.

5. To view Pay Slips

But if you need to check the payslip in Keypay for any reason, you can follow below steps

a. Click on Pay Slips

b. Hit on View Pay slips to view all the pay slips. And also you can download the pay slips by clicking on Download Pay Slips for Printing.

6. Once the Payrun is finalized, you can lodge the pay run - Please see the article STP

7. Once the Payrun is finalized, you can export the journal to Odoo 

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