Creating a product
Creating and Managing New Product
You are now ready to create products! Follow the steps below to create a new product in Odoo.
1. Go to Inventory > Products > Products
2. To add a part, click on Create.
3. Fill in the details of the product as described below:
General Information Tab
- Select Can be sold or Can Be purchased
- Product Name - Put in the product name here.
- Product Type - Select the type of the product between Consumable, Service, and Storable product.
- Consumable - If you choose this product type you wont have stock on hand.
- Service- This is for service type products eg Freight
- Storable Products- These are the any products can be stored. Stock on Hand can be measured for Storable products
- Internal Notes - Enter any additional description in this field.
- Sales Price - Enter the selling price here.
- Customer Taxes -Choose customer taxes here.
- Cost - Enter the cost.
- Unit of Measure - In Odoo, Unit of Measure is the holding/selling unit of measure. Choose the unit of measure for the product here.
- Purchase Unit of Measure - In Odoo, Purchase Unit of Measure is the purchase Unit of Measure. Choose the unit of measure for the product when purchased.
Note: It is very important to select the correct product category when creating a new product. The product category dictates to what accounts will the transactions be posted to when you have transactions (e.g., sales, purchases, adjustments) for the products in the future.
Attributes & Variants Tab
Please refer to topic creating product attributes and topic creating product variants.
Sales Tab
If you want a detailed description other than the product name to appear on the sales order invoice then you have to fill this sales description field.
Purchase Tab
Fill in Vendor details (record the vendors of the product) and refer to topic Adding vendor special pricing page for more information on.
Vendor Taxes - Select the vendor tax from the dropdown.
Control Policy - On ordered quantities or On received quantities.
- If you need a detailed description than the product name to appear then you need to fill the Purchase Description
Inventory Tab
- Routes - Specifies how a product enters in to the business.
- Eg - Buy or Manufacture etc.
- Fill out the Operations, Logistics, and Traceability details.
- No Tracking - The products wont have Lots and Serial Numbers
- Lots - Track a product by Lots/Batches
- Unique Serial Number - Track a product by unique serial number
- Responsible - The person who is creating the product acrd will be the responsible person.
- Weight- The weight of the product
- Volume - Volume of the product
Routes is the process in which a product comes in to a system. So you can select whether you buy the product , manufacture the product etc.
4. Click on Save.
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