Odoo to Shopify - Products
This E-Learning Module will Detail:
- Pushing New Products from Odoo to Shopify
- Updating Products from Odoo to Shopify
Pushing New Products from Odoo to Shopify
1. Navigate to an Odoo Module that contains the menu Products > Products, a list of all products within Odoo. Some Examples of Modules that contain this menu include Sales, Inventory, Purchase, and/or Manufacturing.
New Products Push (Odoo to Shopify) Image 1: (NPPOSI1)
2. Select the Products you wish to push to Shopify, Click the Actions Menu and Export to Shopify Layer
New Products Push (Odoo to Shopify) Image 2: (NPPOSI2)
3. Select Shopify Layer as the Export Method and then select the Shopify Instance (Odoo Speech for Shopify Site), you wish to export that New Product/s to.
Note: Products and their variants must have a SKU and less than 4 attributes to utilise the Shopify Layer, else a CSV will have to be used.
New Products Push (Odoo to Shopify) Image 3: (NPPOSI3)
4. Navigate to Shopify > Product > Product to the Shopify Layer. Filter by Instance and Search for the Product/s you wish to Export or search through the Displayed Product List for the Products you wish to push to the filtered Shopify Site.
New Products Push (Odoo to Shopify) Image 4: (NPPOSI4)
5. Select the New Product/s, Click the Actions Menu and Export New Product in Shopify.
New Products Push (Odoo to Shopify) Image 5: (NPPOSI5)
6. Select Set Image and Set Price for first-time exports. Now depending on whether you wish for the New Products to be published on the Shopify Online Store either select Active or Inactive, Active indicative of published on the Online Store, inactive vise versa. (NPPOSI6)
Note: Once Exported quick way to check once successful, will be the Exported in Shopify Checkbox. (NPPOSI7)
New Products Push (Odoo to Shopify) Image 6: (NPPOSI6)
New Products Push (Odoo to Shopify) Image 7: (NPPOSI7)
Updating Products from Odoo to Shopify
Once you have updated the details of a product within the Product Card follow the below steps to have that update reflected in Shopify
1. Navigate to an Odoo Module that contains the menu Products > Products, a list of all products within Odoo. Examples of Modules that contain this menu include Sales, Inventory, Purchase, or Manufacturing.
Odoo to Shopify Products Update Image 1: (OSPUI1)
2. Select the Products you wish to push to Shopify, Click the Actions Menu and Export to Shopify Layer
Odoo to Shopify Products Update Image 2: (OSPUI2)
3. Select Shopify Layer as the option of export and then select the Instance (Odoo Speech for Shopify Site), you wish to export that New Product/s to.
Note: Products and it's variants must have a SKU and less than 4 attributes to utilise the Shopify Layer, else a CSV will have to be used.
Odoo to Shopify Products Update Image 3: (OSPUI3)
4. Navigate to Shopify > Product > Product to the Shopify Layer. Filter by Instance and Search for the Product/s you wish to Export or search through the Displayed Product List for the Products you wish to push to the filtered Shopify Site.
Odoo to Shopify Products Update Image 4: (OSPUI4)