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How to setup the minimum & maximum amount & lock the totals

Setting up minimum & maximum amounts

You can update the minimum & maximum amounts for each approver separately 

Following points to be considered while your setting up the minimum & Maximum amounts

01. If Minimum Amount is not set, the approver should approve each order.

02. If Minimum Amount is set and Total Amount is less than Minimum Amount, then approver will be skipped.

03. If Maximum Amount is set and Total Amount is greater than Maximum Amount, then the approver will be skipped.

04. If you need to assign two or more approvers for any PO you can simply omit the minimum & maximum amounts for all the approvers

Locking the totals

The purpose of locking the totals is to avoid other users to edit the purchase order. 

01. If you tick the main lock >> right after you confirm the purchase order for approval no one can’t edit the PO. (including the person who created the PO)

For further details, you can check it through - Locking the totals  

2. If you tick the specific lock without ticking the main lock>> Once the specific approver with separate lock for his total in the approval route has approved the RFQ, the restriction to edit will get applied. 

3. Even though we have ticked both lock options, any user can change the vendor until the final approver approves it.

4. If the main lock is locked a user who is not an approver cannot cancel>> reset to draft the PO or edit a confirm PO, where as an approver can do cancel >> reset to draft or edit a confirm PO.

5. If the main lock is not ticked, either user is approver or not an approver he can cancel>> reset to draft or edit a confirmed PO

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