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Approver Reject the RFQ

There can be situations where a RFQ can be rejected from approvals. Here approver can either cancel the RFQ or approver can log a note mentioning the reason for refusing.

*  If approver cancel the RFQ, person created the RFQ can again do the relevant amendments by setting to draft, thereafter if he confirm the RFQ it will be sent to approval again with an email notification.

01. "Cancel the RFQ"  

02. Then user can click "SET TO DRAFT" and do the relevant changes  

03. Once user has made the relevant changes and confirmed it back, approver will be notified for approval.  

* Approver can set a reminder or an activity log note without cancelling the RFQ, then the user will be notified with an email notification. 

01. Click "Activities" 

02. Update the fields with relevant details and assign the user  

Note: Here user can do the editing only if the parent lock is not ticked. If Parent lock has ticked after the confirmation again user has to cancel & reset to draft to edit the RFQ.

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