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How the automatic reminders will work

Automatic reminders are working based on the follow-up levels that you have configured. Once you have checked the automatic field on the level that you have created, all the customers will receive the reminders. To prevent some specified customers from receiving the reminders automatically, we have the "opt out statement" option. Let's see how we can configure these settings. 

To Automate the levels in general,

01. Go to  Accounting Module> Configurations> Follow-up levels

02. Click over the level which you need to  automate  

03. Once you Check this Automatic -   box,  this follow up level get automated.  

04. To  prevent  any specific customers receiving the reminders automatically, you can go to the contacts through  Customers> Customers

05. Click over the  customer,  whom you need to remove for automatic reminder.  

06. Check the  box  (Opt Out Statement) and click on  SAVE

Now, lets see how the reminders will work when it is automated,

01. Go to Accounting Module> Customers> Follow-up reports 

02. Here you will be able to see that once an automatic reminder is sent out, the  log note  will be updated with the  email  and the  attachment,  as shown in the image. 

03. Also, once a reminder is sent out,  status  will be automatically moved to the next status (07 to 14) and  Next reminder date  also will be updated 
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