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Creating a bill of material


Creating a Bill of Materials (BOM)

Bill of Materials is a document defining the quantity of each component required to manufacture a finished product including the routing and individual steps of the manufacturing process.

1. Navigate to Manufacturing Module Products Bills of Materials

3. Click New.

4. Enter the following BOM details: 

  • Product Name: The name of the final product 
  • Product Variant: If you have created Product Variant(s) for this Final Product, you may apply the Product Variant(s) in this field.
  • Quantity and Unit of Measure (UOM): The amount of Final Product the BoM is making and the Units of Measure the Quantity of the Final Product is measured with.
  • Reference: The BM Reference Code/Number allows for more efficient Tracking and Locational Access. 
  • BOM Type:  Manufacture this product / Kit
    • Manufacturing this Product: Select if you need to generate a Manufacturing Order to produce this product
    • Kit: is used to splitting the product into its components either at the creation of a Manufacturing Order or at the creation of a Stock Transfer.
  • Company -OPC

Locate the Components tab, and enter the Components, Quantity, and Product UOM that combine to make the finished product.

  • Component: Components needed to make/combine together to make the Final Product.
  • Quantity: Quantity of Components needed to make/combine together to make the Final Product
  • Product UOM: The Unit of Measure the Quantity of Component is measured with.

5. Click Save.

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