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Pay Schedules

Pay Schedules are used to set up pay runs. The pay schedule's settingbs are used each pay run to calculate what to pay employees.  

To go to the pay schedules, navigate to Dashboard > Payroll Settings > Pay Run Settings > Pay Schedule.

1. Click the +Add button on the top right corner of the pay schedule page.

2. When you click on the add button, you will be taken to the below window.

3. Fill in the below fields

  • Name (required) : Name of the Pay Schedule. Eg : Weekly - Friday
  • Frequency: choose the pay frequency from the dropdown box
  • Included Employees: Choose from the dropdown box

  • Pay Slip Message: you can add a recurring note here that will appear in the 'Pay slip message' area on all pay runs for this pay schedule.

  • PAYG payments: Mark the checkbox, If you want to pay PAYG via payment file to a relevant bank account.

  • Pay Run Automation: You can enable the automatic pay run. 
    • Automating pay runs allow users to not have to perform the pay run action themselves. Rather, the system does it automatically in the background.  
    • We have setup Manual pay schedules for OPC Pty Ltd.


4. Once done, Hit on SAVE.

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