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Filter a super batch

1. Navigate to Business > Super payments.

2. After that, you'll be directed to this page. Click on New Super payment batch from the upper right of your screen. But make sure your billing information is updated.

3. After clicking on New super payment batch, you'll be directed to this page. Select the necessary filters.

  • Date Range. Click on the box and select the filter you want to use for your super payments batch. You can select This Month, Quarter, Last Month, Last Quarter, or Custom where you can select a date range from the calendar that will pop up from your screen.
  • Pay Schedule. Select the relevant pay schedule
  • Contribution Type. By clicking on the box, a drop-down list will appear on your screen. Choose the Contribution Type you wish to create a Super Payment batch. You can also create a super payment batch for all types of contributions by simply choosing All from the options.
  • If you're done selecting the filters of your Super payment batch. Click on Filter from the bottom right to proceed.

Now you have filtered your batch. Next you need to create & validate a batch.

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