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Create a New Pay Run & Finalise the Payrun

Here are the steps on how to a new pay run & finalize it.

1. Create the Payrun

Click on the New Pay Run button on the top right-hand side of the dashboard.

 Or Click on the Pay Runs icon on the navigation bar.

or Click on the New Pay Run button on the right-hand side of the pay run page.

 b. Fill in the following fields

  • Pay Schedule: You can select the relevant pay schedules. Eg : Weekly - Friday
  • Pay Period Ending: Select the Pay period end date
  • Date Pay run will be paid:  Enter the paid date applicable to the pay run.
  •  Manually add employees to pay run- You can select this option If you prefer to add employees manually to the pay run. (Suitable for any adjustment pay runs or payruns to pay a single employee or a few employees)
  •  Create pay runs with empty pays:  If you select this option, all employees with this paid schedule as their default pay schedule will appear in the pay run but they will have $0 earnings. (Suitable for any adjustment pay runs)

c. Click on Create, Once done.

d. Check all content details of this Pay run and update if necessary.

  • Check Earnings
  • Check Employees
  • Applied Leave - If you have approved leave in the system, you need to apply leaves to the pay run. To apply leave to a pay run, go to the Leave Request tab in the pay run and click Bulk Apply > Apply Leave.